Rebooting Computer Security

The NY Times asked the wrong question about the Obama administration’s response to Russian hacking of the November US election ("U.S. Reacting at Analog Pace to a Rising Digital Risk, Hacking Report Shows")The question is not why did it took 16 months to develop a response, but what could the US have done to prevent it? The disturbing answer is nothing.

Computers are fundamentally insecure, and this sad situation is not going to change quickly. As someone who has spent his entire career computer science research, it pains me greatly to admit that Donald Trump is right when he told reporters “You know, if you have something really important, write itout and have it delivered by courier, the old-fashioned way. Because I'll tell you what: No computer is safe." 

Computers’ original sin is that they run software that is written by humans. People make mistakes at a predictable rate – roughly 10-20 defects per thousand lines of code. Testing can find and eliminate many of these bugs, leaving a residual of 0.5 – 1 defects per thousand lines. This may not seem high, but your computer is running hundreds of millions of lines of software, so there may be hundreds of thousands of bugs on your computer.

In the past, these flaws were primarily an annoyance that occasionally caused crashes and produced incorrect answers. Online reporting tools (the popup that asks if you want to report a problem) made it possible to identify flaws quickly and to fix the most common ones, so that fewer users encounter bugs these days.

But, security is different. An attacker is malicious adversary, who intentionally seeks out little-known flaws that can compromise a computer. The most valuable of these flaws are “zero-day” bugs, which are unknown to anyone but the attacker. The US-Israel Stuxnet attack on the Iranian nuclear program used four zero-day bugs. These are a valuable commodity, sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars and treasured by intelligence agencies.

The result is a very asymmetric playing field. The attacker need only find (or buy) a small number of flaws to enable his attack, while the defender is condemned to fight the last war by patching previously flaws and deploying software that looks for suspicious patterns of activity that characterized an earlier attack. Both remedies are valuable in protecting against the large number of “me-too” hackers, but neither have proven effective against governments or the elite hackers for hire.

In the end, security is a software problem. We have built systems that are too complex for anyone to understand and consistently favored features over security. Why are email attachments capable of running malicious code that changes the software on a computer by installing malware? The answer is that software developers have long built complete programming languages into their data representations (the PDF and Word documents in the attachments), to allow for future, unforeseen uses of their products. Once a programming language becomes sufficiently expressive, it reaches a stage called Turing-completeness, where it is as powerful as any other programming language and even simple questions about programs are undecidable. Computer scientists have not formally considered questions like “should I click on this attachment.” But, my answer in most cases would certainly be no.

Software need not be this flawed. Carefully written software controls airplanes, nuclear power plants, and other safety-critical systems. While not perfect, this software performs limited roles with a high degree of reliability and certainty. The process of writing this software is radically different from the casual culture of software development in most of the industry. Safety-critical software is slow to develop, limited in scope, exhaustively tested, and rarely changed, quite different from Facebook’s “move fast and break things” culture, which pervades the industry and is at the root of the security problem.

The tremendous difficulty of writing correct, bug-free software and the ease of updating software has led to a development culture in which defects are expected and tolerated. Commercial and competitive pressures cause companies to release software with many known (and even more unknown) bugs, with the expectation that these defects can be corrected in subsequent releases. Few are, as limited development resources are typically used to develop new features, rather than fix “old” bugs.

Government and commercial research for decades has investigated new programming languages and techniques for writing and verifying software. The products of this research have moved slowly into use. For example, smartphone applications are typically written in modern languages that preclude some common attacks. And, more impressively, the security processor in Apple’s iPhone is running a formally verified system. But, these are the rare bits of good news from an industry that is resistant to deep change and continues to produce new bugs at a tremendous rate.

Equally important, software developers need to be trained as engineers, with the concomitant attitudes of careful evaluation of possible failures and professional standards of responsibility.

Neither condition is likely to change on its own. The fast and loose culture of the high-tech industry is too ingrained and enshrined in the many examples of companies that shipped lousy software and went on to great success (you know who they are...) for an individual or company to build and market a product on the decidedly less sexy angle of having fewer bugs.

However, changing the underlying incentives might accelerate improvement. First and foremost is to eliminate what software developers call the “root cause.” All of the software licenses that you never read contain clauses that disclaim a product’s suitability for any purpose and state that its manufacturer offers no warrantee and has no liability for failures. An absence of legal responsibility never made sense, but is even less desirable as software becomes the common thread connecting people and increasingly the physical world.

Second, is to emulate the aviation industry’s practice of carefully and openly studying failures, which has steadily made flying far safer by identifying and publicizing the causes of crashes. A few open source software disasters such as the Heartbleed bug led to open discussion, but most bugs are only seen by a small number of developers whose incentive is to find a quick fix and move on to the next problem. As with aviation, government sponsorship is necessary to balance liability against open inquiry.

More reliable, robust, and secure software will not appear overnight. The change in software development practice will take a long time and the amount of code that needs to be rewritten is huge. However, as computers become even more embedded in the fabric of our lives and society, the alternative to facing up to this problem is increasingly unthinkable.
